Anti-hail BIP flares and ejectable flares

Anti-hail BIP flares and ejectable flares
  • To carry out work on hail suppression with the aircraft method our company produces the following products:
    • Detachable pyrogenerators (ejectable flares) – “Loza-30”
    • Ejectable pyrogenerators (burn in place flares) – “Loza-150”
  • The “Loza-30” devices are fired from a cassette located beneath the panels of the aircraft, while the “Loza-150” devices are located on panels on the wings of the plane, however the BIP flares can also be used with ground generators.
  • Ejectable and BIP flares are used to inject the active seeding agent into the clouds, more specifically into the areas of future hail formation, also known as ‘feeder clouds’. The glaciogenic agent is used to promote an early rainout of the abovementioned zones of growth, and this methodology is based on the concept of beneficial competition. It accomplishes this by crystallizing when it reaches negative temperatures, forming condensation nuclei which will share the available liquid water content with the natural nuclei.
  • BIP flares are best suited to seeding underneath the cloud base, allowing the updrafts underneath the feeder zones to carry the agent into the clouds. The ejectable flares, however, should be deployed above the feeder clouds, so as to penetrate them directly when descending.
  • These products do not use any form of explosives, and the agent used for seeding consists of environmentally friendly silver compounds.

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