Anti-hail cloud seeding with aircraft

Anti-hail cloud seeding with aircraft
  • The use of airplanes for artificially “seeding” the clouds has been around for almost 100 years. Over the last 30 years our company has been researching, developing and producing different types of pyrotechnics to be carried onboard specially equipped and certified aircrafts.
  • The two main products are burn in place (BIP) flares “Loza-150” that are fixed in a rack installed on the wings of the aircraft. The others are ejectable pyrogenerator flares – “Loza-30” held in a cassette mounted on the fuselage of the aircraft that are ejected downwards during flight and incinerate after 30-40sec.
  • Both products are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly as the main substances used exist naturally in the atmosphere.
  • It’s flying into clouds and delivering the specific doses of those agents which actually stimulates early rainout or mitigates the damage caused by hailstones as it restricts their growth through beneficial competition.
  • Among its many advantages compared to other methods of cloud seeding is the small number of operating staff, precision in the distribution of the agent at the right time and place and finally, a very reduced influence over air traffic and civil aviation.
A few limitations that do exist are the amounts of agent that a single airplane can carry, thus the need for other aircraft for continuous seeding in severe thunderstorms. Flying in negative temperatures and in close proximity to mountainous terrain could be hazardous for the crew. Another downside is the need for experienced and highly qualified personnel to operate the additional ground-based radar and navigation systems.

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